Friday, April 20, 2012

Church Evacuation Drill

Tacarigua SDA Church 
Evacuation Drill      
April 2012

1. Conducted by church safety officer Brother Small.
2. 10.45am 21 April 2012.
3. Whistle. Followed by instructions.
4. Brothers Ronnel Joseph, Gilroy Phillips and Sis Rhonda Jameson.
5. X number of persons evacuated.
6. Evacuation condition simulated.
7. Probs encountered.
8. X minutes required.

Alarm raised (Small blows whistle), announces evac drill. On hearing whistle, all safety officers move to within earshot of Small/speaker, but stay close to their areas of responsibility. SOs then alerts their respective charges/areas. Use brief wording, voice control.

(All child/youth drill participants will be told to assemble and move in pairs, being responsible for their buddy.)

BJ checks male washroom, while RJ and GP evacuate infants/teachers/parents, followed by next older children/teachers, then oldest youth/teachers next room ranked by age group.
Female volunteer checks female washroom.

Pews in sanctuary, 6 rear left, 6 rear right, exit rear; 6 front right, 6 front left, exit side.
All assembled at muster point. Roll call. Involve all class teachers, and check visitors book (who?). All persons accounted for by whom? First aid personnel check for injuries, treat.

Persons needed:
4x SOs
1x Timer
1x Report writer/scribe.
1x Visitor book holder.
All Sabbath school teachers.
2x Callers to emergency services.
2x volunteers to evac 2 physically challenged members.
2x Drivers to take injured to hospital: EWMSC via PBR w/ flashing lights/high beam.
2 x observers.
1x videographer

Total: 27 persons

Observers collaborate with scribe to quickly and accurately complete report. Report given to Brother Small, who edits, then reads it to church (or delegates).
Post mortem
Copies of report to church records, all SOs.

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